Bonfires of San Juan Vallehermoso
Festivals of regional tourist interest
Bonfires of San Juan Vallehermoso
Bonfires of San Juan Vallehermoso
Festivals of regional tourist interest
Bonfires of San Juan Vallehermoso
Bonfires of San Juan Vallehermoso
Festivals of regional tourist interest
Bonfires of San Juan Vallehermoso

Share your opinion about the bonfires of San Juan in Vallehermoso

María (Tenerife)

It was the first time I saw them, and honestly, it gave me goosebumps. The atmosphere, hundreds of people, the procession with the chácaras and drums, and then the fireworks over the bonfires... It's worth coming to see them. They are spectacular.

José Pedro (La Palma)

I loved the atmosphere, above all. It's super calm, and the truth is, the fires are incredible. Seeing those mountains with their huge bonfires is impressive. It's something you have to come and see in Vallehermoso.